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FDIC Secured

Sliding Hill Branch

10035 Sliding Hill Road
Suite 101
Ashland, Virginia 23005

Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Phone: 804.412.0483

Branch Manager: Mark Halstead
Commercial Relationship Manager: Amanda Porch
AVP | Senior Loan Officer: Sharon Huff

“The staff at the Ashland branch are very helpful, friendly and just easy to talk to. They’re like friends with banking knowledge.” ~David

"My experience was amazing. I love how the employees treat you like family." ~Christopher

“Love getting the chip card immediately, cash available immediately, tellers very friendly, phone personnel friendly. Really wish I had come to Village Bank much sooner.” ~Zubair

"Mark and his staff are amazing. We had a flawless transition to Village from a previous bank. All my questions and concerns were addressed immediately. I truly feel like a neighbor not a number." ~Michelle, Google Review

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